Learning CSS — Part 0

Vijesh Salian
2 min readAug 31, 2021


I have been mostly a backend developer for more than a decade. I have done some frontend work, but never felt really comfortable with it. I always felt I was trying to just make it work. One of the things that I found hardest in my frontend work was making the web page look like I wanted it to look. I never got that exactly right.

Without the knowledge of CSS, it is hard to build a web page that is visually appealing

I realised that knowledge of CSS is crucial to understand and build something visually appealing. I never got to learning CSS fully. Never gave it much imprtance because there were frontend devs who helped out with it.

Learning CSS bottom-up.

Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

This time, I am trying to learn it as thoroughly as I can. Focussing on the fundamentals.

Focus on the fundamentals!

I am going to document my learnings here as a reference to what I would have learnt. Follow my journey here if you are learning CSS too.

Taking it slow and steady.

Since I will be focussing on the fundamentals and trying to learn it thoroughly, it will not be a quick one. I have done multiple “quick-starts”, “getting started” and “jump-starts”. Those learnings were pretty shallow and forgot things quickly as those taught me what rules to write in CSS, but didn’t teach why. My focus this time around will be learning the why’s and the trade-offs and to understand the underlying concepts.

Going deep

This series will be all about going deep and build a strong foundation of our CSS knowledge. This series assume that you have tried your hand at html,css and javascript before. You don’t have to be an expert in it to follow this series. In fact, this is for beginners who like to go deep. And perhaps there may be soemthing interesting for a seasoned developer too. If you have never tried CSS, dip your toes in CSS at https://www.w3schools.com/Css/.


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Vijesh Salian
Vijesh Salian

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